Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm just right!!!

Over the past several months I have been reading a list of different things that people say to pregnant woman without even thinking.... note to all those that are currently not pregnant - we are emotional and often overly sensitive people - choose your words carefully!!!

With that being said - in the last week I have experienced both extremes.... one day while at the dentist that receptionist asked when I was due - I replied Sept. 12 - oh wow - you look like you will be going sooner!  Then just a few days after that - I was explaining something to someone and mentioned about my pregnancy and she said "you don't even look pregnant" - oh my goodness - really?

You are all welcome to have your opinions - my brother just yesterday said "twins or a watermelon" when I posted my 26 week photos.  I have also been told I was getting fat and chubby this past week.  Nice!

Just an FYI - you are all welcome to have your opinions about how big or how small I am but remember this - number one - every woman is different!  Number two - I am pretty excited to be getting a bigger baby belly.  Number three - I am emotional and irrational and if you make comments like that - they will in fact hurt my feelings and I may in fact cry - just to forewarn you!

I am not going to post my picture on this blog because I don't want you to feel as though you need to analyze my bump - but if you must see you can check out my facebook page or just ask.

Yet another friendly vent from the Local prego woman!

PS - I went to the doctor today and she said I am at 27 weeks which is just four days away - so I am just right!!!!

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