Friday, July 8, 2011

Belly Change

So the weirdest thing happened today..... my entire belly changed!  I was sitting at lunch and I looked down at my belly and thought .... it looks like my belly changed shapes.  It was like it dropped four inches lower..... I know that when the baby moves your stomach can change shapes, but up until this point I had been carrying pretty high and had a somewhat square shape to my belly - then all of sudden it changed.

So Joel said - maybe she decided to flip upside down like she is supposed to be and not but two minutes later she kicked my bladder in the same place as always to assure me - she had not changed positions after all, but my belly did!

I am facinated by pregnancy and what it does to your body and your emotions.  God definately has a sense of humor that is for sure.  So stay tuned at some point today I will be getting my 30 week picture which will also be my 36th Birthday picture up on facebook!  (PS - the belly in the picture is not mine!)

1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy is one of greatest experiences that you can ever go through. Notice everything, take it all in, journal it to look back on later and smile about while you hold your baby, and let it surround you in all its wonders! Congrats Jana on your birthday and your baby!
